Wandern, Radeln & Co.

Mögliche Aktivitäten in Gotha & Umgebung

Wer auf der Suche nach möglichen Aktivitäten in Gotha und Umgebung ist, der wird auf jeden Fall fündig. Von Wandern in den umliegenden Bergen und Klettern an gut erschlossenen Kletterfelsen, über Radfahren im Thüringer Wald bis hin zum Golfen auf Golfplätzen mit toller Aussicht - Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten für Aktivitäten in Gotha und der umliegenden Region.


Whether you prefer hiking on your own or with a guide in group, tend to favour short distances or ...



You can probably see the location of the city that was once a ducal seat nestled between totally different landscapes most ...



Would you like to get your whole body moving while exercising outdoors and boost your concentration and ...



There are several opportunities to get active with climbing in the south to south-west of Gotha county. ...


Activity tourism in the


The area round Gotha impresses with its dense network of cycling and hiking paths. You can walk and cycle just as many short and easy trails as longer and challenging routes. The entire surrounding area from Fahner Höhe to the Rennsteig and from Thuringia’s “Drei Gleichen” castle region to Werratal can be sportily explored. Fans of adventure can find stunningly rustic landscapes where there are some easily accessible climbing rocks south-west of the city that was once a ducal seat. Ski slopes, toboggan runs and cross-country skiing trails entice you in winter.